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Academy Software Foundation Establishes Review & Approval Working Group AnnouncementsBlogReview & Approval WG

Academy Software Foundation Establishes Review & Approval Working Group

The Academy Software Foundation (ASWF), the premier organization for advancing open source software development in the motion picture and media industries, today officially announced the formation of its new Review & Approval Working Group.  The Review & Approval Working Group has two parallel goals. The first is to achieve industry-wide…
Rez Joins Academy Software Foundation as Newest Hosted Project AnnouncementsBlogRez

Rez Joins Academy Software Foundation as Newest Hosted Project

Rez installs packages once, and configures environments dynamically (via GitHub) Today the Academy Software Foundation, the premier organization for advancing open source software development in the motion picture and media industries, is pleased to announce the addition of Rez as its newest hosted project. Rez is an open source, cross-platform…
Stories from the Academy Software Foundation’s First Summer Learning Program BlogDiversity & Inclusion

Stories from the Academy Software Foundation’s First Summer Learning Program

In 2021, the Academy Software Foundation’s Diversity & Inclusion Working Group launched its first-ever Summer Learning Program, offering free educational resources and mentorship in the VFX and animation fields to an inaugural group of 20 participants who identify as female or non-binary. The program’s main focus was to provide underrepresented…
February 7, 2022
Aliza Carpio, Autodesk Behind the ScreensBlog

Aliza Carpio, Autodesk

Aliza Carpio Director, Tech Evangelist Autodesk Aliza Carpio is Director, technology evangelist at Autodesk, focused on building Autodesk’s tech story aligned with its brand and vision to enable everyone to create a better world designed and made for all. Prior to this role, she was tech evangelist and…
January 12, 2022
Academy Software Foundation Members Explain Benefits of Open Source Software BlogMembersOpen Source Days

Academy Software Foundation Members Explain Benefits of Open Source Software

At our recent Open Source Days event, we had the opportunity to speak with a cross-section of Academy Software Foundation members about the importance of open source technology and open standards for their businesses, and the value that they derive from contributing to the Foundation’s open source projects and collaborating…
Shannon Deoul
November 22, 2021
Project Update: OpenTimelineIO Beta 14 Released, with Improved Automation AnnouncementsBlogOpenTimelineIO

Project Update: OpenTimelineIO Beta 14 Released, with Improved Automation

Screen shot of the new OTIO to SVG adapter in action The Beta 14 release of OpenTimelineIO (OTIO) is officially available for download! This update notably adds greater automation and support for the latest versions of Python as recommended by the VFX Reference Platform. New features in Beta 14 include:…
Shannon Deoul
November 16, 2021
Project Update: OpenVDB Version 9.0.0 Available Now; Introduces GPU Support AnnouncementsBlogOpenVDB

Project Update: OpenVDB Version 9.0.0 Available Now; Introduces GPU Support

Ray tracing in PBRT using NanoVDB OpenVDB – the Academy Award-winning C++ library for efficient representation and simulation of volumetric effects like water, fire, smoke, and clouds – has officially released version 9.0.0! This significant release introduces notable updates including: The official release of NanoVDB, which for the first time…
Shannon Deoul
November 8, 2021
Simon Yuen, NVIDIA Behind the ScreensBlog

Simon Yuen, NVIDIA

Simon Yuen Director, Graphics and AI NVIDIA Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in visual effects and/or animation?  I was in my third year in college, majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Art and at that point, I was not quite sure…
Shannon Deoul
October 19, 2021
Academy Software Foundation Announces Formation of Rust Working Group, Initial Release of OpenEXR Rust Binding AnnouncementsBlog

Academy Software Foundation Announces Formation of Rust Working Group, Initial Release of OpenEXR Rust Binding

The Academy Software Foundation (ASWF) is pleased to announce the formation of the Rust Working Group, dedicated to creating a foundation for C and Rust bindings for C++ libraries used by the media and entertainment industry. Rust is a fast and flexible open source programming language designed specifically for safe…
Shannon Deoul
October 13, 2021